Snap: A Haskell Web Framework: Docs
- Quick Start
A guide to getting Snap installed.
- Snap API Introduction
A quick tutorial on the Snap API. Covers installation, the
“snap” command-line tool, and a walkthough of the
Snap starter application.
- Snaplets Tutorial
Guide to using snaplets to build reusable web components.
- Snaplets Design
Description of the snaplets internal design and motivation.
API Documentation
- snap-core
Core type definitions (Snap monad, HTTP types, etc) and
utilities for web handlers.
- snap-server
An HTTP server library based on io-streams, which runs Snap
web handlers.
- snap
The snap
library contains convenience functions and
support code for the snap
skeleton project
- heist
An HTML-based templating engine, allowing Haskell functions to
be bound to tags.
- xmlhtml
A hybrid XML/HTML parsing and rendering library written
specifically for Heist.